Cursing, swearing to God if she was only still physically able,
She'd smash his smug face into the broadside of the table
There's never a quiet moment with this bugger around
She could push him down into the bathtub and watch with glee as he drowned
Oh, only if only she was still physically able
Some might think she no longer sounds mentally stable
But those are the few that never heard her story
Oh, the heads she bashed in-back in her days of glory
She was free for years; speeding and hiding herself away
Until she chose a man too special, too close to the fray
They'd been searching, chasing, hoping to kill
But they never got close- it was she that got that thrill
She wined him and dined him, then took a hammer to his head
Stole all his money, then left him for dead
He was her last- one last hurrah is all he had planned for his newfound pet
Oh, I bet you wished you had read about her before you had met
Cursing, swearing to God if she was only still physically able,
She'd smash your smug face into the broadside of the table